Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday Summary, November 3, 2012

It's been another good week in the creativity department.  I've had more going on in my non-creative life of late due to some meetings and rehearsals for my wife's Veteran's Day program at school, so my time to create has been less.  I only expect it to get worse as the holidays approach.  Such is the life of a musician.

Music -- I've actually gone away from handbells for a bit and spent the past week working on some pieces for string orchestra, at least one original and a couple of arrangements.  Nothing's finished up yet, but I hope to get some finished over the next week or so.  After I've got these done (and the writing-for-string-orchestra bug out of my system), I'll probably head back to handbells for a bit. 

I'm also starting to get the hankering to try my hand at some other instruments and ensembles, so I hope to find time to work on some of that sort of thing in the coming weeks and months. 

Writing -- This is the first year in several I haven't participated in National Novel Writing Month (which started on Thursday), and it's both liberating and depressing.  I'm glad I can continue to focus my efforts on composing, but there's a sort of sense of loss at a streak broken.  Of course, this is also the first National Novel Writing Month in several years where I haven't been a teacher, and therefore haven't had my students write, as well.  Perhaps after I get all of this writing-for-strange-instruments bug out of my system, I'll go back to writing.  There's the third Sadonia book, after all....

Publishing -- Not much on this front this week.  I received a royalty check from one of my publishers -- I was a little disappointed in how my couple of pieces with them sold ... until I realized they only paid me royalties on copies sold up through April 30 of this year, and they didn't release and start promoting the pieces until probably the middle of April.  That just means next year's check ought to be nicer. 

That's about it from here.  I can't guarantee how much time I'll have to get stuff done this weekend, but I ought to have a couple of good days this coming week, and hopefully can hammer out a couple of items I'm working on.  Here's hoping next week's Summary will be even better than this one.  Until then, happy creating!

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