Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Summary, October 8, 2011

Another Saturday and another summary.  The temperatures have shot back up into the 80s again here, this after a week or two of nice, comfortable, upper-60-degree days.  I'm not a fan of warm temperatures, so this seems like an ideal day to stay in and get some creative work done.

Music -- I spent the better part of this week working on two level 1 handbell arrangements: a 2-3 octave arrangement of 'Twas In the Moon of Wintertime, and a 3-5 octave arrangement of Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.  Both are nearly finished and just need to be polished and finalized.

Writing -- I hope to spend at least part of my day today going back through the returned copies of Fealty and Fire and making all the necessary changes and corrections there.  I did this week give out my last copy to one of my first readers, and hope to have that back in the near future.  I still think a release date of December is doable, though I'm a bit in denial of all the work that will need to happen between now and then for that to occur.  We'll still keep our fingers crossed (though not for too long, as that makes typing difficult).

Publishing -- So much here ... where to start?  I'll start with the simple first -- in the mail yesterday, I received my complimentary copies of my four forthcoming Beckenhorst pieces: All Creatures of Our God and King; Hail, Thou Once-Despised Jesus; Antiphonal Fanfare (which I'm really excited about); and Resounding Fury.  I know the Raleigh Ringers did the demo recording a week or two ago, so that means that it'll soon be time to unleash them on the public.  I also know some other publishers are in the middle of recording their various demos, so that must mean that the Spring 2012 releases are getting ready to make their debuts in the world.

Speaking of debuts, you can also go to the Lorenz site and check out some of my newest pieces already available -- Fantasia on "Trentham" from Lorenz, as well as Fanfare and Reflection and Lead On, O King Eternal from AGEHR.  There's a recording available for the Fantasia, and I expect recordings to be up in the next several weeks for the two AGEHR pieces.

This week, I submitted several piano pieces to Lorenz for their Church Pianist magazine, and it looks like there's a fair chance they'll take at least a couple of them.  They asked for a couple of changes, and I've sent the altered copies back, so now I just need to wait for some sort of official word on the matter.

I also got an email this week from Tammy Waldrop at Alfred asking if I'd be willing to do up a couple of arrangements for them.  I'm in the midst of getting those together for her, and I have a good feeling they'll ultimately be accepted.  It's by no means a guarantee of acceptance, but I have yet to have a piece passed on after a publisher has asked me for it.  Oddly enough, it seems, when a publisher asks for exactly what they want, and then you turn around and give them exactly what they've asked for, it tends to make for a happy publisher and an equally-happy composer.

That's it from here.  I've got a full day of creating ahead of me, plus several mornings this coming week and a majority of Thursday (parent-teacher conference day, a day I don't have to go in to school) to work, so I expect to have a full report next Saturday.

I also need to get my thoughts ready for National Novel Writing Month, which starts three weeks from this coming Tuesday.  If you've ever wanted to write a novel before, or even just want to check out the insanity, check out the website at  Hope to see you there, but even if I don't, I wish you all a very happy and creative week! 

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