Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Summary, July 2, 2011

Every Saturday, The Creative will feature a brief post about my current creative efforts and how they are progressing. If this doesn't interest you, read no further -- not only will I not be offended, I'll never know.

And here we are again on Saturday.  The time -- and my summer -- are flying by.  I'm not terribly pleased about that.

First, an apology for skipping this past Wednesday's post.  I got caught up in the middle of some of my other creative projects, and when the momentum is working in my favor, stopping to do anything else -- even a short blog post for The Creative -- is enough to kill that momentum, so I made the decision to keep on with my project.  Posts will return this Wednesday.

It was another of those weeks where I got a ton of stuff done, but on a project so large that there's really nothing concrete yet to show for it.  Read on to see what I mean ...

Music -- I did some minor edits on my Escape Velocity, which I wrote for the Raleigh Ringers.  As a part of getting it ready for their concerts this year, they worked with me and made some changes that really helped the piece, but I, being generally lazy about such things, failed to incorporate those changes into the final score.  Thanks to Keith Burt of the Raleigh Ringers, I've now got their changes incorporated into the score, so I can get it ready to send out for hopeful publication.

I've taken a break from composing these past few weeks so that I can concentrate on editing my next book, but starting today and moving on through the rest of the summer, I'm going to start incorporating composing back into my daily schedule.  I'm drastically behind where I wanted to be at this point on the year in terms of composing, and well behind where I was last year, and that just depresses me.  Look for more pleasant information to start appearing here in the coming weeks.

Writing -- More editing on SC2.  I've got about 100 pages left to go in this draft before I stick it away for a couple of weeks to ferment ... then I get to tackle it again.  This is really more than an "edit." It's more like a semi-partial rewrite.  It's been a good seven or eight years since I wrote the rough draft, and in that time, my writing has improved (I think) fairly dramatically.  A large part of what I'm doing here is trying to make the text more understandable, while also making it sound better.  The story is staying the same; how I'm telling it is changing.  Fortunately, the next time I go through the whole thing should require much less tinkering and more fine-tuning, spell-checking, and actual editing.

Publishing -- First of all, don't forget that The Coming of the Heroes is still available for purchase in hard copy, for Kindle, or for Nearly Every Other Electronic Format Known to Mankind.  Tell your friends.

I also received a proof of a forthcoming piece from AGEHR -- my arrangement of Lead On, O King Eternal (which can also be called The Day of Resurrection for when you're playing it at Easter).  It took very little time to go over it for several reasons: it's relatively short, it's no more than a level 2, it's for only 2 to 3 octaves ... and whoever does the proofs for AGEHR does a great job transcribing things over, so there's very little that I as a composer have to have them change.  I'm not fully sure when this one is coming out (let's face it, I just can't keep track of it.  I only know when any of my pieces is being released when I find it available online.), but I'm betting it's in the next twelve months or so.

That's it from here for this week.  Look for regular posts next week, then the following week, things will get a little strange as I'll be up at the AGEHR National Seminar in Minneapolis.  I'll try to post some pics and extra posts from up there.  If you're there, feel free to say hello.

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