Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Here!

I know I've already posted once today, but I just had to share the happy news:

The Coming of the Heroes, the first book in The Sadonian Chronicles, is now available for purchase!  

How do you purchase a copy, you might ask?  You can go straight to the web store by clicking on the picture of the book cover at the left of the screen.  You can also check out the website of the Sadonian Chronicles series by going to  There you can read some sample chapters, check out a map of Sadonia, and (once I get it done) peruse the encyclopedia of all things Sadonian.

The book will be available for purchase on the website soon, and in the next few weeks, I hope to have editions available for Amazon's Kindle and other e-book readers, too.  I'll keep you updated as things progress.

Until then, check out the book, and tell your friends!

Oh, and happy creating!

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