Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Creative Bites

So much of the time, we think of creativity as something we do in grand chunks, large projects, huge amounts; it's a case of quantity over quality.  What you have to realize is that creativity isn't something you do or are: it's a mindset.  To truly realize your creative potential, you need to start to incorporate creativity into as many facets of your life as you can.  Think creative bites instead of twelve-course creative meals.

Here's creative assignment number two -- the next time you send an email, post something on Facebook, tweet, whatever, try to make it as interesting and creative as you're able.  Use a new word.  Try to be funny, or wry, or glib, or surreal.  It doesn't matter how you're creative, just that you're creative.  Don't worry about being profound or making some deep, meaningful statement -- just be creative.  Let whatever comes from your fingers and onto the page be as creative as you can make it, and don't worry about the quality.  As that funny swoosh symbol from Nike says (or would say if they had given it a mouth): just do it.

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